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University Council on Teacher Education

University Council on Teacher Education Members

UCTE members

 Ex-Officio Members

 Kristina Najera  Chair, UCTE; Director, Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation
 Steve Amendum  Interim Director, School of Education
 Suzanne Burton  Associate Dean,  College of Arts and Sciences
 Trish Hermance  Director, Secondary Education
 Rena Hallam  Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Development

 Appointed Members 

 Associate Professor,  Secondary Education
 Assistant Professor,  Secondary Education
 Teresa Hickok  Assistant Professor, School of Education
 Sarah Mallory  Assistant Professor, School of Education
 Rosalyn Washington  Assistant Professor,  Human Development & Family Studies

 Elected Members

 Graduate Student Representative
 Undergraduate Student Representatives

UCTE Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

 Ex-Officio Members

 Tory McHugh  UCTE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; Senior Associate Director, Center for Excellence and Equity in Teacher Preparation

 Appointed Members 

 Nick Bell  Clinical Coordinator, School of Education
 Myae Han  Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies
 Alfinio Flores  Professor, Mathematical Sciences
 Rosalie Rolón Dow  Associate Professor, School of Education